Anime & Manga

Past Requests

2.5D Musical Moriarty the Patriot DVD

The customer ordered a DVD of 2.5D Musical Moriarty the Patriot. Moriarty the Patriot is a Japanese mystery manga se...
Past Requests

The Battle of GEEKBOAT ONE

The customer found a book that he was looking for at Mercari, a buy and sell site, and I helper him to get it. It's an...
Past Requests

2.5D Musical Moriarty the Patriot Bromides

The customer ordered some bromides from 2.5D Musical Moriarty the Patriot. Moriarty the Patriot is a Japanese myster...
Past Requests

Godzilla Goods

The customer ordered lots of Godzilla goods. Godzilla is a fictional monster, or kaiju, originating from a series of...
Past Requests

In-Store Shopping at Animate for Ballad Opera Comic Book with Bonus Book Shelf

I received a request to get some comic books at a certain bookstore. The customer ordered vol. 3 and 5 of manga "Balla...

Granblue Fantasy Fes 2019 Tickets

The customer was a fan of Granblue Fantasy, and he was planning to visit Japan to join Granblue Fantasy Fes 2019. I he...
Past Requests

In-Store Shopping at Animate for Ballad Opera Comic Book with Bonus Illustration

I received a request to get some comic books at Animate Ikebukuro. The customer ordered vol. 4 and 5 of manga "Ba...
Anime & Manga

ikkuna / suzuki takayuki Print T shirt

The customer ordered ikkuna / suzuki takayuki T shirt. ikkuna is a Japanese brand who sells organic cotton clothes. ik...
Past Requests

2.5D Musical Touken Ranbu Tickets

The customer was planning to visit Japan to watch 2.5D musical, Touken Ranbu, and I helped her to reserve tickets. Tou...

2.5D Musical PERSONA 5 the Stage Tickets

The customer was planning to visit Japan to watch 2.5D musical, PERSONA 5 the Stage, and I helped her to reserve ticke...