In-Store Shopping at Tegamisha for Washi Tape

Tegamisha 2nd STORY
Tegamisha 2nd STORY
Keiko Shibata Itoshii Ikimono Washi Tape

The customer wanted to purchase washi tapes by illustrator Keiko Shibata which are only available at Tegamisha 2nd STORY. Tegamisha is an editorial team carrying out their business with events, goods and cafes.

Tegamisha Official Website
Keiko Shibata Official Website

I can go to physical stores to shop or search for items at your request. An Option Service Fee will be charged for going to stores and it is not refundable in any circumstances even if I am unable to get the items. Option Service Fee varies depending on number of items, weight of items, the location of the store, and transportation fee, etc.


  1. Rosanna says:

    Hi!I am searching Genshin Impact x Sweet Paradise merch. can you help me with that?