Past Requests TOMIZ Super King Bread Flour The customer asked for my help to purchase TOMIZ Super King Bread Flour. TOMIZ, Tomizawa Shoten is a store specializin... 2022.08.02 Past RequestsFood
Past Requests Gift to a family in Japan The customer asked my help to send a bottle of whiskey as a gift to her dad in Japan. The store didn't have wrapping s... 2022.06.20 Past RequestsConcierge ServiceFood
Past Requests Gift to a Friend in Japan The customer had a friend in Japan and he asked my help to send a gift to her and her family. He chose assorted cookie... 2021.12.16 Past RequestsConcierge ServiceFood
Past Requests Gift to a Friend in Japan The customer had a friend in Japan and he asked my help to send a Christmas gift to her. The store didn't have a wrapp... 2021.12.07 Past RequestsConcierge ServiceFood
Past Requests Confectionery The customer ordered her favorite confectionery. She ordered Ogura Sansou's Ogura Meigetsu rice cracker, RUYSDAEL Cook... 2021.11.13 Past RequestsFood
Game Birthday Printed Macarons with Bonus Tin Badge of Danganronpa The customer asked me to order Birthday printed macarons of Danganronpa that came with a bonus tin badge that was what... 2021.08.12 GamePast RequestsAnime & MangaKawaiiHot and Cool ItemsFood
Past Requests Gift to a Friend in Japan The customer had a friend in Japan and he asked my help to send a gift to him. He chose assorted cookies of Ginza Kiku... 2021.01.15 Past RequestsConcierge ServiceFood
Past Requests Ruysdael Almond Leaf The customer ordered a couple of confectioneries of Ruysdael, Japanese confectionery store who sells European style c... 2020.10.16 Past RequestsHot and Cool ItemsFood
Past Requests Japanese Confectionery The customer ordered several Japanese confectionery. You might have favorite Japanese foods and daily necessities and... 2020.08.06 Past RequestsHot and Cool ItemsFood
Past Requests Spicy Rice Cracker – Maiko-han Hii Hii The customer ordered Maiko-han Hii Hii, spicy rice cracker in bulk. Maiko-han Hii Hii is a product of Ochanoko Saisai ... 2020.01.23 Past RequestsHot and Cool ItemsFood